Corporate Courses and Inhouse Training

We can organize and run courses for your staff, group or organization.

Practising mindfulness can help your staff to:

  • Improve their health and wellbeing, concentration, memory and focus;
  • Reduce their current anxiety and stress, teach them coping strategies to manage and minimise future anxiety and stress;
  • Prevent a first episode of depression from occurring; and
  • Enhance their quality and appreciation of life.

We live much of our day-to-day life on Automatic Pilot, daily, weekly and monthly routines. Mindfulness gives us the ability to disengage our Automatic Pilot and learn new ways of thinking, feeling, acting and behaving.

Studies by Harvard Medical School using MRI scans have shown that in two months of practising Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy the brain is physically altered. The parts of the brain affected are associated with learning and memory, emotional regulation, and perspective-taking.


We offer the following courses:

A Lunchtime Mindfulness Course
A 6 session (45 minute per session) Mindfulness course fitted into lunchtime.

A One Day Stress Management Course
(9.30 am to 5.30 pm) introducing Mindfulness and other techniques of stress reduction and management.

Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction MBSR
An 6 to 8 session or 4 day Stress Reduction and Management Course.

Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy for Depression MBSR
An 6 to 8 session or a 4 day course to prevent further relapses of depression.

Included as part of the course are information packs covering what you’ve learnt in the course.

Contact Us

Call or Text Adrian on +44 7968 417347 or use our “Skype”, “WhatsApp” button

Or Email using the form below


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Client Reviews 

Adrian Sonnex is the Top Rated Hypnotherapist and Mindfulness-based Cognitive Behavioral Therapist in Surrey and London with over 140 Five Star Reviews. All reviews are independently verified by FreeIndex who actively ban companies that fake customer/client reviews.

Hellen T, Mindfulness Stress Course

“A short while back, I attended 8 of the group sessions of Mindfulness meditation and practice that Adrian held in Carshalton – initially very sceptical of the likelihood of anything at all helping me to calm down in daily stressful situations. However – over the weekly meetings practicing Adrian’s very achievable techniques to thinking, along


Claudia Bruen, Corporate Training

The corporate Mindfulness course provided by Adrian Sonnex at our London based Law Firm is excellent. We are currently offering this as part of our corporate Wellbeing initiative to employees and Partners. The course is delivered in an engaging teaching style with easy to follow practice of mindfulness. I would particularly recommend Adrian to any

Claudia Bruen

Barbara Dewhurst, Corporate, In-house Training

“We have used Adrian Sonnex’s services for Mindfulness sessions in offices in London. Adrian has always been flexible, very professional and has received great feedback on his sessions. We look forward to working with him more in the future!”

Barbara Dewhurst

Tammy McCann, In-house, Corporate Training

“Adrian has been an outstanding Mindfulness teacher and team member for the Mindfulness in Sutton Secondary Schools programme run by Progression People. Teachers attending our Mindfulness for Teachers programme have highly benefited from Adrian’s experience in teaching Mindfulness and have therefore started to truly develop their own Mindfulness practice and embody the principles of Mindfulness.

Tammy McCann

* Disclaimer : Please Note, the reviews on the page & website are not a guarantee of success.  Hypnosis and mindfulness requires motivation and effort on the part of the individual