Mindfulness Therapy Services

Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction, Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy for Depression, Trauma Therapy TIR and ACT.

Mindfulness-based Cognitive Behavioural Therapies are a group of therapies that use Mindfulness at their core.

These include :

  • Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction for anxiety
  • Mindfulness-based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for depression
  • Traumatic Incident Reduction (a trauma therapy) for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and other traumas
  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

So what is Mindfulness? Mindfulness has been practiced by Buddhists for over two thousand years and simply means paying full attention to the here and now – The Present Moment.

As human beings we have up to 50,000 thoughts a day, often automatic, negative and repetitive.  Using Mindfulness techniques enables us to switch off our automatic pilot of behaving and take a conscious control of how we are thinking, feeling and acting.  Being Mindful helps to prevent anxiety and depression by teaching us how to avoid negative patterns of behaviour from working against ourselves.

Adrian Sonnex is your Mindfulness-based Cognitive Behavioural Therapist and Teacher. He first discovered Mindfulness whilst he was studying for his professional Diploma in Hypnotherapy (DCH) in June 2007. He was awarded his Diploma in Mindfulness-based Cognitive Behavioural Therapies and started to practice as a Mindfulness Therapist in January 2009.

He has been developing his own Mindfulness practice and teaching Mindfulness tools to clients with Depression, Anxiety, intrusive thoughts and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, PTSD and other forms of trauma since January 2009. Before he became a full-time professional Hypnotherapist and therapist in 2007 he had a twenty year career in Care Work working with adults with physical disabilities, learning difficulties, Autism and challenging behaviour. So he has over thirty five years experience of working with people in a supportive, caring and non-judgemental way.

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Call or Text Adrian on +44 7968 417347 or use our “Skype”, “WhatsApp” button

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Client Reviews

Adrian Sonnex is the Top Rated Hypnotherapist and Mindfulness-based Cognitive Behavioral Therapist in Surrey and London with over 140 Five Star Reviews. All reviews are independently verified by FreeIndex who actively ban companies that fake customer/client reviews.

Sarah C, Depression, Work Stress

“I saw Adrian for stress and depression following discussion of CBMT with my GP during a period of sickness from work for work related stress. I was somewhat sceptical but was keen to get well and return to work. I saw Adrian for 6 sessions and had CBMT and hypnotherapy. Adrian professionalism and understanding was

Sarah C

Clare M, Depression

“I suffered from really bad depression and panic attacks and my Hypnotherpist really helped me overcome these Issues. Since receiving Wellbeing Hypotherapy I have joned weight watchers and lost over a stone in weight which has really helped my confidence, I have got a promation at work and have made new friends. All these things


Abigail, Depression Therapy

Adrian was recommended by my friend and my friends Mother who have both been clients of Adrian’s in the past. I had been suffering with depression for quite a few years and have tried numerous different methods to try and solve the depression but nothing had particularly worked for a long period of time. As


Alan, Anxiety, Depression

“I found Adrian a very caring and thorough practitioner. He treated me for anxiety and mild depression. I would definitely recommend him. Alan.” (Five Stars)*


Nicholas, Anxiety, Depression

“I went to see Adrian for help with issues relation to anxiety and depression following a recommendation from a close friend. I had both CBT and Hypnotherapy treatments during our meetings. I found Adrian to be extremely understanding, sympathetic and professional throughout. I would recommend his services to anyone and everyone!” (Five Stars)


Sarah, Depression

“I been going for a few sessions now of hypnotherapy due to being very low and depressed which cause me to have no engery and no motive my mood was very negative and my attuide was very sharp and arguemented. My going and trying it out the different in the way I think and deal


Elizabeth, Anxiety Depression

“While suffering from anxiety, depression and lack of confidence after job loss and relationship difficulties, I researched various therapies; having read an article in a peer-reviewed journal that showed changes in people undertaking mindfulness training, I decided on mindfulness combined with hypnotherapy as the combination of approaches I felt would be most effective and appropriate


Mary M, Anxiety Depression

Life was starting to feel pretty overwhelming and I had been starting to become very anxious and suffering from depression. Adrian did some counselling sessions and mindfulness hypnotherapy with me and he’s brought my anxiety levels right down. He’s very easy to talk to and gave me some good techniques to help me manage any

Mary M

* Disclaimer : Please Note, the reviews on the page & website are not a guarantee of success.  Hypnosis and mindfulness requires motivation and effort on the part of the individual